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Personalized Bridesmaid Tote Bag - Pink Floral

Item #:WE-4856-31

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Pink Floral Personalized Tote Bagis a beautiful gift for your bridesmaid. This custom tote bag can be personalized with their name in your choice of your thread color. Bridesmaid tote bag features a tropical floral design making it a perfect gift for your beach bridesmaids!  

Bridesmaid Tote Bag Details:
- White with pink floral watercolor design
- Made from poly cotton fabric
- Fully lined
- Rope handles
- 19 (l) x 6 (w) x 14 (h)
- Personalized in your choice embroidery color and font

Fill the tote bag with some of these popular gifts: (sold separately)
- Wedding hangers to hang their dresses or bridal robes.
- Bridesmaid robes are fun to get ready in and make great photo ops!
- Flip flops keep your girls feet comfy and ready for dancing!
- A piece of Jewelry makes a lovely gift to wear on the wedding day.
- Compact Mirrors are great for her purse so she can stay fresh for photos.