Memorial Candle with Roses

Item #:WE-6177-08
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This Memorial Candle with Roses gives a beautiful sentiment at the ceremony by honoring loved ones that could not be present. The candle includes a  scripted phrase In Loving Memory at the top and ~ Always Present in Our Hearts ~ at the bottom of the personalization and double rose graphic. You may add up to 4 lines of personalization.

Memorial Pillar Candle comes engraved with top line, rose image and bottom line:
In Loving memory
(up to 4 lines of personalization)
(rose image)
~ Always Present in Our Hearts ~

Product Details:
- Color: white or ivory
- Material: wax and applique sticker
- Dimensions: 9” (h) x 3” (w)
- Features: scripted verse and rose image (as indicated above)
- Personalization: up to four (4) lines of custom text in choice of font
- Use: display at ceremony or welcome table