Memorial Candle with Blossom Tree

Item #:10-276-I
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Memorial Candle with Blossom Tree allows you to honor the memory of a loved one. The candle is available in white or ivory and features a beautiful blossom tree design, phrase and personalized name on a clear appliqué.

The memorial candle should be personalized with a name. The personalized name appears in script as shown between the preprinted verse “In Loving Memory” and “Who Is Present In Our Hearts”.

Product Details:
- Colors: white or ivory
- Material: wax, clear applique
- Dimensions: 9” (h) x 3” (w)
- Features: roman printed verse
- Personalization: one (1) name in script font
- Use: light the candle before or during the ceremony

Memorial Ideas:
Honoring a loved one on your wedding day can be done in many ways:
- Wrap a locket or special brooch around bouquet
- Include a personalized vase with flowers at welcome table or ceremony
- Display a photo at reception’s welcome table or a special table