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Personalized Hershey’s Assorted Miniatures Favors

Item #:DD-4187000

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Discount Price $0.76 USD /each $0.72 USD /each $0.68 USD /each $0.60 USD /each

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These Personalized Hershey’s Assorted Miniature Candy Bars will add a sweet touch to your wedding or special event.  Hershey®’s Miniatures™ offer a variety of chocolate bars for everyone. The bars come in an assortment of Milk Chocolate, Krackel®, Special Dark®, and Mr. Goodbar®. Please note that Special Dark® Miniatures™ have gold foil ends. 

Each individual candy bar will arrive in the wrapper of your choice with your customization, making it extra special!  For those of you in hotter climates, we sell the miniature wrappers without the candy bars.

Please note:  Mr. Goodbar® Miniature candy bars contain peanuts.

Chocolate Bar Favor Details
- Minimum: 50 
- Assembly: None required 
- Design:  Available in over 50 designs
- Personalization: Three custom lines of text

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